Friday 4 February 2011

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

Evaluation of the cover (or click the image to view it in flickr):

The ethereal gaze of my cover model would attract my audience as it would appeal to their love of fashion photography and the traditional beauty shot. This image also is the only fashion reference on the page, so for that reason I made sure the imager was one that would be more traditionally found on a cover of a fashion magazine rather than the usually controversial, intimidating and aggressive images usually found on a music magazine.

I have placed the most high-profile articles on the cover as my cover lines to attract my audience. The musicians I have chosen have a folk based political or lyrical style which fits well with the musical identity of my audience as well as the ambiance of my magazine.

My sparse use of colour is a strong feature of my magazine as my audience would not like the loud, bright coloured format of many other music magazines. It also reflects the kind of music my audience will listen to, which is lighter and less shouty or synthesised than the mainstream norm.

I have used alliteration on my cover to make my article stand out and therefore attract my audience. These linguistic methods would appeal to my audience who have been able to afford higher education.

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