Wednesday 9 February 2011

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The main programme I used to construct my magazine was Photoshop CS5. I found it quite difficult to use at first, as I had no previous experience with it. However my preliminary task taught me a lot of the pitfalls, for example the care needed whilst using the quick section tool and the rectangle tool, so when it came time to do my main task I was aware of what I needed to improve.

I used Blogger ( to publish my work. This was an easy way to display my images and text, whilst also allowing me to edit and modify my posts.

I used Flickr ( as a device to evaluate my images, using the “note” tool to annotate my work. I did encounter some problems however, for example setting up a yahoo account and setting the images to public view.

I used TDK Trans-it 4GB memory stick to transport my work from college to home. There was one worrying moment when I misplaced my memory stick and did not have the file on a computer, but I located it and from then on kept a copy of the work both on the stick and on a hard drive.

I used a Sony Cybershot camera to take my images with. It is an all-round performance camera, so I had to think carefully about lighting and letting the image focus before I took it in order to achieve a high quality image, especially in the distance shots. I was really pleased how this image turned out, with the animal tracks apparently leading toward my models feet and the clouds forming mountains in the background, however because the building is visible I could not use this image in the magazine.

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