Friday 4 February 2011

The evaluation of the double page spread (or click the image to view it in flickr):

I used a mixture of elevated lexis and colloquial language to speak in the voice of my audience, who would be educated but also everyday people. They would not be intimated by some of the more elevated language because their social situation has meant they would have been able to afford higher education. This mixture of chatty and high register would be familiar to them at it is the same tone as would be used in the broadsheets they would be likely to read, for example “The Guardian”.

Once again my use of colour is minimal. This establishes a strong house style which would appeal to my audience.

I included a note about the model's clothing because I understand that my audience are interested in fashion so knowing this would appeal to them. I have addressed this interest in the main body of the article too, commenting on the fictional artists clothing choice with insight into the fashion trends.

The fact that my model is looking away from the camera would appeal to my audience as they would appreciate the composition of the piece. As she is looking over the page it also subconsciously suggests that the reader should turn the page to discover more.

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