Tuesday 25 January 2011

Evaluation of the double page spread (or click the image to view it in flickr):

My main image also provides a background for my page as art and fashion would appeal to my target audience. The image is of my cover star in the same clothing and make-up as is on cover, which provides continuity and consistency in my magazine. The model is looking away from the magazine, prompting the reader to turn the page and read more as if to see what she is looking at. She is on the right side of the page so if the reader was flicking through to look for that article, it is easily identifiable. The pale blue dress connotes femininity and fits with the floaty image and soft musical identity my magazine has.

I chose to include information about what the model was wearing as my audience are interested in fashion.

As is the convention in many written media products, I included gutters between my columns to break up the test and make it easier to read.

I placed a kicker below my title rather than above the first paragraph of my text, as is the convention, to mimic my cover and create a link between the layouts.

My title is in the same font, Myriad Pro, as the rest of the text throughout the magazine. This goes against normal magazine convention, which is to have more diverse fonts. However, the simplicity of the font keeps the attention on the text and the artistic image, which are the main focal points of the page. It also creates a strong house style. I chose to break up the title into two sections to cause the eye to dance across the whole page, therefore taking the whole background image in more completely.

I followed magazine convention and placed a small drop-cap at the beginning of my text. I used the same front as the title and the main text, again to create a strong house style.

I used three pull quotes on my double page spread. I chose to follow magazine convention and pace them within the main body of the text, bridging the gap between the columns. I picked quotes that would appeal to my audience and draw the reader in.

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