Tuesday 25 January 2011

Evaluation of the contents page (or click the image to view the evaluation in flickr):

Ingenue Contents
Originally uploaded by Victoria Maitland

As is the convention, I have placed the title of my magazine and the date on the contents page. This provides consistency with my cover. I have drawn inspiration from the vogue contents page in this layout, however I have placed both the title of the magazine and the date in red, as well as placing them above and below the contents title. I used red to show structure and house style through my contents page and to continue through onto any other issues of the magazine.

I chose to separate each aspect of my magazine into segments on my contents page, providing a more in depth view of my magazine. This is more segmented than the average magazine, which tends to only split articles into either features or regulars, however because the audience for my magazine is multifaceted I decided that, like the Rolling Stone contents, I would split my articles more, but I would also take the more descriptive kickers of the Vogue content. I chose to use red because it is the colour the eye is most attracted to, so if someone was scanning the page then they would get a clear, concise idea of what my magazine was about.

I made the page numbers larger than the title of the article as is the convention in magazines. I also included a descriptive kicker to every article, as in Vogue, so readers could see exactly what each article entailed. I wrote my kickers in italics to distinguish them from the article title.

I chose to place three images on my contents page because I felt it was the most atheistically pleasing layout. The images are relevant to the articles and to the magazine. I chose the top image because I felt it provided a moodier edge to the magazine, which fits well with the fashion side of the magazine whilst also being a huge aspect of the modern music scene. I chose the image of the model playing guitar because it contrasted well with the studio created design of the rest of the magazine, giving a more homemade quality that I enjoyed. The third image was relevant to the article about the set of a music video. The red colour of the shirts and the wall in the second and third images merge well with the red font.

As with Vogue, I chose to credit the photographer who took the cover image. This would appeal to my audience who are interested in fashion photography.

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