Wednesday 26 January 2011

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

My magazine would most likely be distributed by Conde Nast publishing house, the publishing house that produces magazines such as Vogue, Elle, GQ and Details as well as Conde Nast Traveller and Easy Living. They therefore publish a lot of magazines my demographic would be interested in, however none of the magazines they currently publish have specific music interest features or segments. Therefore, my magazine would help Conde Nast access a wide range of individuals who may not have bought one of their products before. Conde Nast is an international company, with houses in New York, London and Paris, giving my magazine a wide distribution.

IPC media would be less likely to publish my magazine as their product range is a lot less specific than the demographic and psychographic of my magazine. They already produce two music magazines, NME and Uncut, which both have a target audience very different to my magazines. It would not be published by Wenner Media as they produce Rolling Stone magazine, my magazines biggest competition on the music, politics and pop culture market.

My magazine would not be published by an independent company as it needs the reputation of its publishing house to get the best artists and photographers, as well as being granted a budget large enough to shoot on location in designer clothes.

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