Monday 6 December 2010

Institutional Data - Rolling Stone

The music magazine I would like to produce has links to politics as well as music; therefore I decided to research the Rolling Stone magazine. Firstly I emailed the magazine, asking them if they could email me some institutional data. When they did not reply, I searched the internet and found a media pack. Rolling Stone had circulation of 1,470,738 for the first half of 2009. Rolling stone readership is fairly equally split, with men making up 58% and women the remaining 42%. The average age for a rolling stone reader is 31. 73% of readers are employed, and 29% of these are in a professional managerial job. A majority of readers are single. 75% of readers are white. 80% fall in the AB social demographic.

Rolling Stone magazine is $4.99, or £3.95, an issue and is produced bi-weekly. It contains, on average, 100 pages per issue, with around 38 of these dedicated to adverts. Most of the adverts in this magazine are for television shows and music gigs.

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