Wednesday 1 December 2010

Examining My Target Audience

The demographic for my magazines target audience is women aged between 21 and 40 who will be mainly be in the social group AB, perhaps spreading into C1. This is because my magazine will feature expensive and designer items that people on a lower income will not be able to afford. However middle class aspirers may buy the magazine as they will have dreams of living the luxury life, where they can afford the items and lifestyle that the magazine portrays. My audience will be about 80% to 85% female, as my magazine will feature high fashion articles and contain adverts for perfume and clothes. However some men may also read the magazine as it will feature political articles and information about musicians they may be interested in.

The psychographic profile for my magazine audience will mainly be reformers and succeeders. My magazine will be quite political, and will contain world news stories as well as music stories, therefore my target audience will be interested in politics and the way the world works, and also will want to change the world. They will be interested in saving the environment and would like to portray themselves as eco-friendly; however because they have money to spend they live a very capitalist life, buying clothes and gadgets. My audience will be well educated, a mixture of good state schools and private, and will have been able to afford to go to good universities. My audience will be intelligent, partly because of the standard of their education.

Their ideal weekend would be at a music festival, such as Latitude, or at a protest march or gathering, for example “The Beckoning of Lovely”. Television shows they would watch include “Americas Next Top Model” and “Have I Got News For You”, spanning a wide spectrum of fashion and politics. They would listen to folk-based artists, such as Florence and the Machine, Laura Marling, Frank Turner and Greg Holden, mainly steering clear of mainstream bands. They would watch independent films, such as “The Age of Stupid”, avoiding Hollywood blockbusters. My target audience will be liberal minded, so will read newspapers like “The Guardian” and books such as “Will Grayson Will Grayson”, and would support organisations like “Stonewall” and “The Trevor Project”. They would listen to “Radio One”, avoiding the DJ’s who play dance and pop music. They will be heavily influenced by the fashion of the sixties, and will use designer labels to mimic the look. As my target audience styles themselves are being very eco-conscious, they would only buy and eat organic, healthy food.

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