Wednesday 1 December 2010

Analysis of Exsiting Magazine Covers - Vogue

I have chosen to analyse a fashion magazine front cover as my music magazine is going to be heavily linked to fashion, most specifically high fashion, so I am going to analyse the cover of Vogue.

There is one image on the cover of this magazine. The model is female and is looking straight at the camera to catch the audience’s attention. She looks relaxed, with her arms loosely crossed over her legs. She is wearing a white dress, which connotes innocence, with flowers on it. The background of the image is also white, so the gold and black text on the magazine stands out. The title of the magazine is placed over that of the model, showing that the title is the main draw for people who want to buy this magazine as Vogue is an established magazine (it has been published since 1892). The title is in gold, with a trail of stars running through it; mirroring the theme of the magazine “Stardust”. This also links into Christmas, as the magazine is the December addition. Although the title is placed over the model, the model is a celebrity – Emma Watson – so will also be a draw for those who would not usually buy Vogue, but are interested in her or the Harry Potter franchise. She is also a fashion model: modelling for Burberry; dressed by Channel; and has even started her own fashion label, so she too will draw a large readership from a fashion background.

The text is mostly bold and in either black, to stand out against the white background, or gold, mimicking the star theme and following alongside the Christmas theme. Some of the text is more delicate and italicised, showing that the magazine is feminine and delicate.

This magazine is mostly likely aimed at a middle to upper class audience, with its demographic AB. The magazine is £4.00 a month, showing that its audience has spare cash to spend. The clothes advertised on the cover are as being “under £150” and “forever pieces” showing that although this audience does have spare cash, they still want to be careful with their money. The images on the cover is of a twenty year old girl, therefore I would predict that the target audience is 16 to 30 year old women. Another cover story is titled “a decade of supermodels” showing that the magazine has a long running readership as it expects its audience to be familiar with most of the models. The psychographic profile for this magazine would be an aspirer, somebody who wants to live the model and high fashion life, or a succeeder, somebody who has achieved the lifestyle.

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