Friday 5 November 2010

Evaluation Of Finished Product: The Contents Page

My contents pages uses the same colour scheme as the cover to link it all in, however the title on the cover and the title on the contents page are slightly different shades, so on my music magazine I would make sure that they are the same colour.

I included all the stories that students wanted to read on the cover as feature stories, which I then put on the top left hand side of the page, where peoples eyes naturally look first. For the regular stories I picked things based loosely on the top four results from the questionnaire, but also on what I would read as a college student.

I included a letter from the principle as in my research I noticed that many magazines have a letter from the editor either on or just before their contents page. As this was a college magazine I decided a letter from the principle would be more appropriate. I put this in the top left hand corner, however in my opinion it clutters up the page and doesn’t fit in with the rest of the layout, so in my music magazine I would attempt to rectify this.

I included some cliché pictures of students working and chatting to add to the relaxed but study based theme of the magazine. That they are not all of people studying making that magazine more informal, which is what 100% of students surveyed wanted to magazine style to be. I also used informal language, such as “pics” rather than pictures, to keep the magazine light hearted and chatty, rather than like a teacher talking down to a student.

Overall I am pleased with my contents page; however I could improve on the layout, as there are lots of pictures at the bottom and middle of the page, and none at the top. Therefore in my next magazine I would balance this. I would also make the rectangles of colour that surround the text equal height to make the magazine look neater.

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